Privacy Policy
Declaration on Personal Information Protection
When handling the personal information of its business partners, DBJ complies with acts concerning the protection of personal information by independent administrative institutions, handling this information as described below. DBJ requests that any opinions or complaints concerning its handling of personal information be directed to the Development Bank of Japan Personal Information Desk.
1. Purpose of Using Personal Information
DBJ is entrusted by its business partners with necessary information, and the Bank uses this information to properly perform the operations defined by the DBJ Act.
2. Limiting the Purpose of Use of Personal Information
DBJ uses the personal information of its business partners only for the purposes described above. The specific purposes for such information are published on the Bank's website. Use for any other purpose will be clearly indicated at the time that information is obtained.
3. Obtaining Personal Information Appropriately
When entrusted with personal information from its business partners, DBJ does not obtain it under false pretenses or through improper methods.
4. Managing Personal Information Content
DBJ endeavors to verify the validity of personal information from its business partners and requests that its partners cooperate.
5. Storing Personal Information Safely
To prevent leakage of the information received from its business partners, the Bank has established necessary and proper measures for its safe management and will consistently work to improve these measures. DBJ endeavors to maintain strict information-handling procedures, supervising and training its executives and regular employees on the handling of personal information and concluding non-disclosure agreements with subcontractors.
6. Providing Personal Information to Third Parties
The Bank releases personal information to outside parties only if the providers, its business partners, agree to such use. However, such information is provided to third parties in certain legally defined situations deemed to be in an individual's own or the public's interest.
7. Disclosing Personal Information
If an individual requests the disclosure of personal information entrusted to the Bank by its business partners, the procedures for such disclosure are as specified in relevant acts concerning the protection of personal information held by independent administrative institutions.
8. Revising or Discontinuing the Use of Personal Information
If an individual requests that the use of personal information be discontinued, the procedures employed for such a request are as specified in acts concerning the protection of personal information held by independent administrative institutions.
Public Announcement Based on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information
Development Bank of Japan Inc.
(Business operator handling personal information)
Development Bank of Japan Inc., (hereinafter, "DBJ") publicly announces the following matters based on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57, promulgated May 30, 2003, including any subsequent amendment; hereinafter, the "Act").
Ⅰ. Matters Concerning the Purpose of Use of Personal Information
DBJ handles clients' personal information in order to perform the businesses described in item 1. below, and for the purposes of use described in item 2. below, and for no purpose of use exceeding those limits.
1. Business Content
- Financing business, guarantee business, capital investment business, businesses related to marketable securities, investment management business, investment advisory and agency businesses and businesses conducted by DBJ under the New DBJ Act (including business that it may handle in the future) and ancillary operations (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Bank operations")
2. Purpose of Use
- To make decisions and perform follow-up management regarding Bank operations
- To conclude contracts, verify identities or confirm eligibility related to Bank operations
- To manage due dates or ongoing transactions pertaining to Bank operations
- To provide to third parties within the necessary scope of operations
- To exercise contractual and legal rights and fulfill such obligations
- To monitor economic conditions by conducting surveys, distributing questionnaires or conducting related operations
- To introduce Bank operations
- To execute other activities to ensure smooth and appropriate client transactions
In the event that the purpose of use of specific personal information be limited by acts or regulations, such personal information will not be used other than for such purposes, as described below.
- In accordance with Article 123, Item 7, of the Cabinet Order Relating to the Financial Instruments Transaction Business, DBJ does not use undisclosed information it has obtained on matters such as race, creed, family origin, registered address, medical history, or criminal background for any purposes except those required for the proper conduct of its business, nor does the Bank provide such information to third parties.
Ⅱ. Matters Concerning Sharing of Personal Data
DBJ shares the personal data of its clients as follows.
1. Matters Concerning Shared Personal Data
- (1)
Information such as contact information, including the client's name, birth date, physical address, telephone number and e-mail address; family-related information; employer-related information; information regarding the client's assets and liabilities; information regarding transaction needs; and publicly disclosed information
- (2)
Transaction status; type of service; agreement date, transaction amount, balance, term and other information related to the content of transactions with individual clients
- (3)
Information needed to manage transactions with clients, such as information on the transaction process and information used in making loan decisions
2. Range of Parties Sharing Information
The Bank, and its subsidiaries and affiliated companies listed in its annual securities report (or in its lending reports)
(In the event that the sharing of information is limited by the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act or related legislation, information is handled in accordance with such legislation.)
3. Purpose of Use of Shared Personal Data
- (1)
To propose, inform about, study or develop investment and loan businesses and financial products and services: for example, to work with group companies in developing and proposing investment and loan businesses and financial products and services that meet client needs
- (2)
To properly conduct group management activities, including the understanding and management of risks: for example, to create proper business management systems for the group and provide clients with stable and consistent services
4. Name and Address of Party Responsible for Managing Personal Data and the Name of the Representative
Development Bank of Japan Inc.
Otemachi Financial City South Tower, 9-6, Otemachi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8178, Japan
President: Seiji Jige
Ⅲ. Matters Concerning Retained Personal Data
1. Name and Address of Business Operator Handling Personal Information and the Name of the Representative
Development Bank of Japan Inc.
Otemachi Financial City South Tower, 9-6, Otemachi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8178, Japan
President: Seiji Jige
2. Purpose of Use of Retained Personal Data
The purpose of use of retained personal data is the same as described above in I (Matters Concerning the Purpose of Use of Personal Information) and II.3 (Purpose of Use of Shared Personal Data).
3. Procedures Followed to Meet Requests for Disclosure, etc.
DBJ follows the following procedures with regard to its clients' retained personal data, as concerns notification of the purpose of use, disclosure (including the disclosure of records on the provision of personal data to a third party), correcting, adding or deleting; discontinuation of use or erasure; or discontinuation of provision to a third party (hereinafter, “disclosure, etc.”).
DBJ is unable to accept requests for disclosure, etc. if it is unable to confirm the identity of a person, or the proxy authority of an agent making the request, o ifr a request form or other stipulated document contains discrepancies. Therefore, those making such a request are asked to thoroughly understand the procedures described below and to provide any information required to identify the retained personal data in question. (In the interest of keeping personal data accurate and up-to-date, clients are requested to promptly notify the DBJ office with which they conduct transactions of any changes in information provided.)
Please note that DBJ may not be able to respond to requests for disclosure, etc. if it is prevented from doing so by law.
(1) Notification of Purpose of Use
- Where to submit application
DBJ office with which applicant conducts business - Application method, required documents, etc.
The applicant should contact the DBJ office with which he or she conducts business. - Fees
Gratis - Response method, timing, etc.
The applicant will be provided with a Notice of Purpose of Use Form prescribed by DBJ.
(2) Disclosure
- Where to submit application
DBJ office with which the applicant conducts business. - Application method, required documents, etc.
After completing the necessary items in a Retained Personal Data Disclosure Request Form prescribed by DBJ, the applicant should submit it, along with the documents indicated below to confirm his or her identity, to the DBJ office with which he or she conducts business. -
Personal identification methods (including method of confirming proxy's power of attorney)
For personal identification, provide one of the following.- (i)
Seal registration certificate for seal imprinted on the disclosure application form mentioned above (must be issued within the last six months)
- (ii)
Public certificate issued or provided by a government body, containing the applicant's photograph, name, date of birth and physical address. Acceptable documents include a driver's license and passport. (Documents must be currently valid.)
- (iii)
If providing documents other than those described in (i) or (ii) above: health insurance certificate, pension passbook, welfare booklet, etc. (Documents must be currently valid.)
If the applicant requesting disclosure, etc. is the legal representative of a minor or an adult ward, or an agent to whom the request for disclosure, etc. has been delegated, the documents listed below must be presented (for both the individual and the agent) in addition to those mentioned above.
If a person with parental rights,
- One copy of the family register to confirm the party's parental rights (must have been issued or prepared within the last six months)
If an adult ward,
- One copy of the registration document certifying that the party has proxy authority (must have been issued or prepared within the last six months)
If a delegated agent,
- One copy of a letter of attorney prescribed by DBJ
- One copy of the individual's seal registration certificate (must have been issued or prepared within the last six months)
- (i)
Basic fee
¥1,620 (including tax) for each disclosure request form mentioned above.
Basic fee
Fee payment methods
This fee may be paid (1) in cash (including by registered mail) or (2) by bank transfer. Bank transfers should be made to the following account: Mizuho Bank (financial institution number 0001), main branch (branch code 100), account number 0040029 (current account). -
Response method and period
In principle, a response document will be posted to the applicant by using an ID confirmation delivery service (or alternatively be sent by e-mail, fax, etc., if so requested) within 10 business days of receiving the application. However, if it is difficult to disclose the personal information by any of the said alternative means, the information will be posted by using an ID confirmation delivery service. -
If disclosure is refused
Disclosure may be refused for legal reasons in cases such as those listed below. In this event, the decision will be communicated along with an explanation for the decision. The specified fees will be charged even in the event of a non-disclosure decision.- If a request for disclosure, etc., does not apply to retained personal data
- If there is difficulty in identifying the retained personal data requested, or if searching easily for such data is deemed impossible
- If disclosure would expose the applicant or a third party to the risk of harm to life, limb, assets or other interests
- If disclosure would expose DBJ to the risk of significant damage to its proper conduct of business
- In other cases that contravene the Act
(3) Corrections, Additions and Deletions
- Where to submit application
DBJ office with which the applicant conducts business - Application method, documents to provide, etc.
The applicant should apply to the DBJ office with which he or she conducts business. (After confirming the contents of the application, DBJ may ask the applicant to complete and submit a request form specified by DBJ for the correction, etc., of specified retained personal data.) - Personal identification methods (including method of confirming proxy's power of attorney)
To be performed as under Disclosure (2) - Response method, timing, etc.
In principle, a response will be provided within 10 business days of receiving the application, either verbally or in writing. -
If correction, addition or deletion is refused
Correction, addition or deletion may be refused in the cases listed below. In the event of a decision against correction, addition or deletion, this decision will be communicated, along with an explanation of the basis or reason for the decision.- If the content of the requested correction, etc., is untrue or if its truth cannot be verified
- If the content of the requested correction, etc., is information that DBJ has evaluated or added
- If the content of the requested correction, etc., is considered of little importance to achieving the purpose of use
(4) Discontinuance of Use, Erasure, and Discontinuance of Provision to a Third Party
- Where to submit application
DBJ office with which the applicant conducts business - Application method, required documents, etc.
The applicant should respond to the DBJ office with which he or she conducts business. (After confirming the contents of the application, DBJ may ask the applicant to complete and submit a request form specified by DBJ for the correction, etc., of specified retained personal data.) - Personal identification methods (including method of confirming proxy's power of attorney)
To be performed as under Disclosure (2) - Response method, timing, etc.
In principle, a response will be provided within 10 business days of receiving the application, either verbally or in writing. -
If discontinuance of use, erasure, or provision to a third party is refused
In cases such as those indicated below, the discontinuance of use, erasure, or provision to a third party may be refused. In the event of a decision not to discontinue use, erasure, or provision to a third party, this decision will be communicated to the applicant along with an explanation for the decision.- If the content of the request for discontinuance of use, etc., is untrue or if its truth cannot be verified
4. Measures for Safe Management of Personal Data
DBJ will persistently implement and revise necessary and appropriate measures via the methods listed below, including diligent supervision of its employees, to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage (hereinafter referred to as "leakage, etc.") of personal data and in all respects ensure its safe management.
- (1)
Measures set in basic policy
- (2)
Measures enforcing discipline in the handling of personal data
- (3)
Organizational safe management measures (development of an organizational structure for taking safe measures; operation in accordance with rules for handling personal data; development of means to check the status of handling personal information; development of a system of responding to incidents such as leakage, etc.; monitoring the status of handling personal information; and review of safe management measures)
- (4)
Human safe management measures (employee education, etc.)
- (5)
Physical safe management measures (control of areas where personal data is handled; prevention of theft, etc., of equipment and electronic media; prevention of leakage when carrying electronic media, etc.; deletion of personal data and disposal of equipment and electronic media, etc.)
- (6)
Technical safe management measures (access control, identification and authentication of authorized persons; prevention of unauthorized external access, etc.; prevention of leakage, etc., associated with the use of information systems)
- (7)
Measures ensuring understanding of the external environment (implementing safe management measures based on an understanding of systems for the protection of personal information in the EU, the U.K., the U.S., Singapore, and China, where personal data is stored)
Sites related to the protection of personal information in various countries
The U.S. (Federal):
The U.S. (New York State):
EU: If you would like DBJ to provide information, please use the following contact information
Corporate Planning & Coordination Department, Development Bank of Japan Inc., Tel: 03-3270-3211
Ⅳ. Restrictions on Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties
In principle, DBJ will not provide personal data to third parties without the consent of the individual, except in the following cases.
- (1)
When required by laws and regulations
- (2)
When it is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual
- (3)
When it is especially necessary to improve public health or to promote the sound growth of children and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual
- (4)
When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or an individual or entity entrusted by either a national agency or local government to execute affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the individual is likely to impede the execution of such affairs
- (5)
When a third party to which personal data is provided is an academic research institution, etc., and the third party needs to handle the personal data for academic research purposes (including cases in which part of the purpose of handling the personal data is for academic research purposes, but excluding cases in which there is a risk of unjustified infringement of the rights and interests of individuals)
- (6)
When providing personal data to an outsourcee to the extent necessary for the performance of its business (see "Outsourcing the Handling of Personal Data" below)
- (7)
When personal data is provided in connection with the succession of business due to a merger, corporate split, transfer of business, or other reasons
- (8)
When sharing personal data with DBJ subsidiaries and affiliates (see “Matters Concerning Sharing of Personal Data” section Ⅱ. above).
Ⅴ. Outsourcing the Handling of Personal Data
DBJ may outsource all or part of the handling of personal data to third parties to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of use of personal data. In such cases, DBJ will select appropriate outsourcees to ensure that personal data is securely managed by the outsourcees, and will exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over the outsourcees by, for example, signing confidentiality and personal data protection agreements with the outsourcees and confirming how the personal data is handled by the outsourcees.
Ⅵ. Where to Direct Complaints Related to the Handling of Retained Personal Data
Please direct opinions or requests concerning the handling of retained personal data to the DBJ office with which the applicant does business or to the respective telephone numbers given below.
Hours: Weekdays (except for national and year-end holidays), 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
DBJ Head Office (Business Planning & Coordination Department) |
Otemachi Financial City South Tower, 9-6, Otemachi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8178, Japan +81-3-3270-3211 |
Hokkaido Office |
4th Floor, Nihonseimei Sapporo Bldg., 1, Nishi 4-chome, Kita 3-jo, Chuo-ku, Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido 060-0003, Japan +81-11-241-4111 |
Tohoku Branch |
19th Floor, Tokyo Tatemono Sendai Bldg., 6-35 Chuo-1-chome, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0021, Japan +81-22-227-8181 |
Niigata Branch |
7th Floor, Chuo Bldg., 1058-1, Rokubancho, Higashiborimae-dori, Chuo-ku, Niigata 951-8066, Japan +81-25-229-0711 |
Hokuriku Branch |
11th Floor, Kanazawa Park Bldg., 1-1, Hirooka 3-chome, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, 920-0031, Japan +81-76-221-3211 |
Tokai Branch |
20th Floor, Dai Nagoya Bldg., 3-28-12, Meieki, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 450-6420, Japan +81-52-589-6891 |
Kansai Branch |
13th Floor, Yodoyabashi Mitsui Bldg., 1-1, Imabashi 4-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka, Osaka 541-0042, Japan +81-6-4706-6411 |
Chugoku Branch |
12th Floor, Hiroshima Fukuro-machi Bldg., 5-25, Fukuro-machi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima 730-0036, Japan +81-82-247-4311 |
Shikoku Branch |
14th Floor, Hyakujuyon Bldg., 5-1, Kameicho, Takamatsu, Kagawa 760-0050, Japan +81-87-861-6677 |
Kyushu Branch |
2nd Floor, Tenjin Bldg., 12-1, Tenjin 2-chome, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka, Fukushima 810-0001, Japan +81-92-741-7734 |
Minami-Kyushu |
Branch 10th Floor, Kagoshima Shoko Kaigisho Bldg., 1-38, Higashi Sengoku-cho, Kagoshima, Kagoshima 892-0842, Japan +81-99-226-2666 |
Basic Policy on the Handling of Specific Personal Information
Development Bank of Japan Inc. (“DBJ”) has prepared the following basic policy to ensure that specific personal information and individual numbers (“personal information”) are properly handled on an organization-wide basis under the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify Specific Individuals in Administrative Procedures (the “My Number Act”).
1. Name of enterprise
Development Bank of Japan Inc.
2. Compliance with related acts and guidelines
DBJ shall ensure the proper handling of specific personal information in compliance with the My Number Act, the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, and other related legislation, as well as the Guidelines on the Proper Handling of Specific Personal Information (Enterprise Edition) and other related guidelines.
3. Purposes of use
DBJ shall use specific personal information for the following purposes.
Specific personal information concerning officers and employees, including their dependent family members (includes jobs related to those listed below)
- Tax withholding
- Preparation of declarations concerning tax exemptions for dependents (reassignment), declarations concerning deductions of insurance premiums and special exemptions for salaried workers
- Preparation of salary payment notifications
- Preparation of written notices concerning the transfer of salaried workers in regard to the special collection of salary payment reports
- Preparation of replacement applications for special collection
- Preparation of recipient-specific payment records for retirement allowances and other monies
- Preparation of declarations of retirement income
- Preparation of declarations, written notices, and applications concerning property accumulation savings for house construction and property accumulation pension savings
- Notifications concerning health insurance, employees’ pension insurance, and corporate pension insurance
- Filing of notifications under the third grade of the national pension plan
- Applications and claims concerning health insurance, employees’ pension insurance, and corporate pension insurance
- Notifications regarding unemployment insurance and workmen’s compensation insurance
- Applications and claims concerning unemployment insurance and workmen’s compensation insurance
- Preparation of certificates for unemployment insurance and workmen’s compensation insurance
Specific personal information concerning persons other than officers and employees, including their dependent family members (includes jobs related to those listed below)
- Preparation of payment records for compensation, fees and other outlays
- Preparation of payment records for salaries, compensation, pensions, and prize monies paid to non-residents
- Preparation of payment records for monies paid to non-residents for projects providing personal services
- Preparation of payment records for the use of real estate
- Preparation of payment records for the transfer of real estate
- Preparation of payment records for commissions involving the sale or rental of real estate
4. Matters concerning security control measures
DBJ shall take necessary and appropriate measures to control the security of specific personal information.
5. Inquiries and comments
If you have any inquiries, complaints or other communication regarding DBJ’s handling of specific personal information, please contact us at the office below.
DBJ Head Office
Corporate Planning & Coordination Department
Otemachi Financial City, South Tower 9-6 Otemachi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8178
Telephone: 03-3270-3211