Policy on Sustainability
Enacted May 19 2017
Enforced June 1, 2017
- Purpose
- Sustainability Management
- Financial Capital and Non-financial Capital
- Contribution to a Sustainable Society
- Sustainable Growth for Customers
- Self-Reliant Development of Regional society
- Cooperation with Employees
- Contribution toward a Developed and Stable Financial Market
- Communication with Investors
Article 1 DBJ Group, in accordance with our corporate philosophy, establishes the Policy on Sustainability described below in order to do business in a manner which resolves the issues of our customers and the larger society and realizes the sustainable development of Japan and the world.
Sustainability Management
Article 2 Sustainability management as practiced by DBJ Group is defined as management directed at creating a sustainable society: We take advantage of our unique business model that integrates investments, loans and other business activities so as to enhance the value of managerial resources, both tangible and intangible and, to realize economic and social value, while consistently improving the process of value creation through communication with stakeholders.
Financial Capital and Non-financial Capital
Article 3 We comprehensively enhance the various types of capital required to conduct business consistent with our risk appetite: human, intellectual, relationship, social and environmental capital which affect the capacity to create long-term financial value, along with financial capital.
Contribution to a Sustainable Society
Article 4
- 1.
We work fairly and reliably to provide solutions required to create a sustainable society by identifying material sustainability issues in our relevant fields based on trends in government policy as well as legislation and norms regarding environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria in Japan and throughout the world and incorporating a recognition of the need for a sustainable society into our investing, lending, asset management and other business activities.
- 2.
We exercise a leadership role in building the knowledge required to create a sustainable society through ongoing surveys, research and reporting on social issues.
- 3.
We work to deepen our understanding of the impact of our own business activities on society and consistently improve them.
- 4.
We are committed to meeting the legal and regulatory responsibilities for human rights and give consideration to the human rights of all people in each of our fields of business.
- 5.
We work to consistently improve the process of value creation, placing importance on communication with the stakeholders as described in Articles 5 through 9.
Sustainable Growth for Customers
Article 5 We provide creative investment and lending solutions to our customers in various industries and infrastructure sectors both in Japan and overseas, thereby increasing our customers’ tangible and intangible value and contributing to their sustainable growth.
Self-Reliant Development of Regional society
Article 6 We place importance on partnerships with regional communities, contributing to self-reliant development of regional society through business activities conducted in cooperation with local authorities and financial institutions.
Cooperation with Employees
Article 7
- 1.
We work to promote the growth of each employee through efforts to develop skills and raise motivation, while maintaining and enhancing our employees’ physical and mental health.
- 2.
We create a climate in which diverse employees, irrespective of gender, age, nationality, and physical ability, can display their ability and expertise to the fullest extent, and build an employee-friendly working environment as a necessary foundation.
Contribution toward a Developed and Stable Financial Market
Article 8
- 1.
We play a part in vitalizing the financial markets through the supply of risk money and the expansion of financial frontiers in partnership and coordination with other financial institutions. “DBJ’s Special Investment Operations” will be among the instruments used for this purpose.
- 2.
We provide highly-qualified and responsible investment opportunities and investment management services as we pursue the best outcomes for our clients in our asset management business. By doing so, we meet our clients’ diverse needs for funds management and stimulate the circulation of capital.
- 3.
We serve as a safety net and thus contribute to stable financial markets through our “Crisis Response Business”.
Communication with Investors
Article 9 We work to consistently raise corporate value as we enhance the transparency of disclosure and pursue constructive communication with investors.
- Sustainability
- Sustainability News
- Message from the President
- Sustainability Management System
- Policy on Sustainability
- DBJ Group Human Rights Policy
- Value Creation Process
- Priority Areas for the Achievement of Vision 2030
- Resolving Social Issues and Creating Value Through Our Core Businesses
- Fundamental Activities
- Collaboration with Stakeholders