Procurement Policy

Enacted March 28, 2024
Enforced April 1, 2024

Basic Understanding

Article 1

1. Based on our shared values of “Initiative” and “Integrity” and for the purpose of “Design the Future with Financial Expertise,” DBJ Group continues to expand financial frontiers, provides the best solutions for customers and society, and pursues sustainable development for Japan and the world.

2. Based on the “DBJ Group Human Rights Policy,” the “Policy on Sustainability,” and the “Policy on Legal Compliance,” DBJ Group established, discloses, and will continue to review and revise as necessary our “Procurement Policy” (the “Policy”) to strengthen responsible procurement activities, under the dialogue and collaboration with our stakeholders.

Policies on Procurement activities of DBJ Group

Article 2

1. DBJ Group will respect environment and society in our procurement activities as follows:

  • (1)
    Fair and impartial selection of suppliers
    We will make fair and impartial selection of suppliers, considering not only factors such as quality, services, and prices but also items specified in the Expectations for suppliers.
  • (2)
    Compliance with laws and regulations, and social norms
    We will engage in procurement activities in good faith in compliance with all laws, regulations, rules, and social norms.
  • (3)
    Respect for human rights
    In our procurement activities, we will respect the human rights of all related individuals, in compliance with laws and regulations on human rights and human rights norms.
  • (4)
    Respect environment
    In our procurement activities, we will endeavor to reduce environmental impact, considering issues such as climate change, natural capital, and biodiversity.
  • (5)
    Collaboration with our suppliers
    We will respect our suppliers as partners and will not make any unfair demands by using superior bargaining position.

Expectations for suppliers

Article 3

1. With the aim of consideration for environment and society in collaboration with our suppliers, who support our business operations, DBJ Group expects our suppliers to understand and cooperate with the followings:

  • (1)
    Compliance with laws and regulations, and social norms
    Engage in procurement activities in good faith in compliance with all laws, regulations, rules, and social norms.
  • (2)
    Information management
    Properly protect and manage information in compliance with act on the protection of personal information and related laws and regulations.
  • (3)

    Respect for human rights
    In accordance with the following domestic and international norms, understand the concept of respect for human rights and take measures not to generate adverse impacts on human rights such as excess and unfair working hours, occupational safety and health, and prevention of discrimination throughout their supply chain.

    • International Bill of Human Rights
    • ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
    • United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
    • Japan's Guidelines on Respecting Human Rights in Responsible Supply Chains
  • (4)
    Respect environment
    In procurement activities, endeavor to reduce environmental impact, considering issues such as climate change, natural capital, and biodiversity.
  • (5)
    Fair and impartial business operations
    Conduct business fairly and impartially, in compliance with laws and regulations related to the prevention of bribery and the prohibition of corruption.