Participation in Outside Initiatives

This section presents examples of DBJ’s Participation in Outside Initiatives.

  • DBJ Signed the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)

    Introduction of the Principles for Responsible Investment signed by DBJ for the achievement of a sustainable society.

  • Efforts to Implement TCFD Recommendations

    In June 2018, we expressed our approval and advocated the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), formed under the auspices of the Financial Stability Board (FSB). As thet DBJ, we recognized the risk and opportunities related to Climate Change, and are considering and promoting measures for proper information disclosure.

  • Collaboration with the UNEP Finance Initiative

    In June 2001, DBJ became the first Japanese bank to sign the UNEP Statement by Financial Institutions on the Environment and Sustainable Development, promising to strive for harmony between economic development and environmental conservation and to cooperate in resolving environmental issues.

  • DBJ and the Equator Principles

    DBJ adopted the Equator Principles in July 2020, and identifies, evaluates, and manages environmental and social risks based on the Equator Principles.


    Benchmarks being employed by DBJ

  • Participation in TNFD Forum

    DBJ joined the TNFD Forum in April 2022, will address importance of natural capital and biodiversity and promote sustainability for society as a whole.