Value Creation Process
The sustainability management targeted by the DBJ Group consists of a business model that leverages Group capabilities in fields including integrated investment and loans and consulting and advisory services. Our business model is designed to raise economic and social value simultaneously in pursuing a sustainable society. We work constantly to improve our Value Creation Process through collaboration and dialogue with stakeholders, seeking to refine our sustainability management and enhance the value we create.
Financial Capital
Human Capital
Intellectual Capital
Relationship and Social Capital
- Risk Capital Finance
- Creation of Diverse Financial Deal Opportunities
- Provision of Our Knowledge
- Crisis Response Operations
- Financing
- Investment
- Consulting and advisory
- Asset management
- Special Investment Operations
- Crisis Response Operations
continuous collaboration and dialogue
Monitoring Board
Financial institutions
Solving Challenges in Priority Areas through Sustainability Management
For customers in priority areas—infrastructure, industry, and the regions, which were decided in view of DBJ’s functions to date and opinions received from stakeholders—the DBJ Group provides integrated investment and loans commensurate with risk appetite along with consulting and advisory services. For our investor clients, we offer syndication and asset management services. As financial professionals offering creative solutions for the different issues faced by its customers, DBJ contributes to the creation of a sustainable society aligned with the SDGs.
Balancing Economic and Social Value
The DBJ Group works to promote industries and initiatives with the potential to serve as pillars for Japan’s economy and society. We offer up solutions for current issues affecting industries and our customers, as well as examining hypothetical and envisioned changes to both groups amid the rapid changes occurring in our society.
As mandated under the DBJ Act, we also undertake Crisis Response Operations as required by events such as major natural disasters and financial market instability. We contribute to the sustained growth of society through Group measures to promote new industries and initiatives while responding to crisis events, always taking the needs of our customers and the community into consideration. Implementing the DBJ Group’s business model requires unique resources. While sound financial capital is a vital support, we also strive for the integrated expansion of financial and non-financial capital, using clear definitions for the human capital, intellectual capital, and relationship and social capital that impact on our financial value creation in the long term.
Building a Foundation for Sustainability Management through Communication with Stakeholders
Communication with our stakeholders helps us continuously improve our sustainability management, our unique Value Creation Process. As part of this process, the Advisory Board, an advisory body to the Board of Directors, and the Special Investment Operations Monitoring Board, receive third-party advice from outside experts and outside members of the Board of Directors. Through communication in its daily operations with stakeholders, including customers, regions, financial institutions, investors, and shareholders, the DBJ Group reaffirms its functions and examines how those functions should evolve in the years to come.
- Sustainability
- Sustainability News
- Message from the President
- Sustainability Management System
- Policy on Sustainability
- DBJ Group Human Rights Policy
- Value Creation Process
- Priority Areas for the Achievement of Vision 2030
- Resolving Social Issues and Creating Value Through Our Core Businesses
- Fundamental Activities
- Collaboration with Stakeholders